about us

Dan Thomas
Dan Thomas is the Director of Timberline Lodge, a discipleship program and conference center that’s a part of Torchbearers International (sometimes known as Capernwray). He enjoys the adventure of life in the little mountain town of Fraser, CO and spends time snowboarding at the local ski
resort, hiking in the mountains, and doing life with the 38 college-aged students and hundreds of youth who come to Timberline to grow in their relationship with Christ every year. Of all the things that Dan does with the students and guests that come through the Lodge, his favorite is teaching God's Word. "I love the process of wrestling through a passage or a concept and coming out on the other end being that much more amazed at God's gift of grace in the person of Jesus Christ!"
Dan is a lifelong learner. He completed a one-year Torchbearers program in England and Austria followed by a four-year degree in Bible Teaching and Biblical Languages from Columbia International University. He grew in his pastoral understanding serving as an associate pastor at Green Bay Community Church in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Dan is presently stretched daily by his role at Timberline, and is living life with his wife, teenaged girls, and growing little boy.

Sarah Thomas
Sarah Thomas is first-of-all Mom to Keelan, Niah, and Judah, making the Thomas’ home in an apartment near to Timberline Lodge in Fraser, CO. Her passion is in communicating truth, usually in the context of friendship. She became convinced as a teenager that there must be one truth in a world full of beliefs
about the origin of life and the character of God. “I don’t feel like a very religious person. I just cannot get away from the fact that Jesus historically must be who He says He is, and that the Bible is infallible in its entirety. I’ve come to understand the Christian life as a celebration that even when I fail, God values and even loves me.”
Sarah’s aspirations to find a Bible College with more than 20 students, as well as her excitement for ministry, led her to study at Columbia International University. She completed a degree in “Intercultural Studies” and “Biblical Languages” with hopes of being a missionary, but was instead led to marriage and ministry with Dan. God continues to amaze her by providing for her needs and giving her opportunities to contribute to His work at Timberline. She never knew life could be so full and fulfilling, even in struggles and pain, and credits God for all good and perfect gifts.